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Rebirth and Finding the One Truly Loves Me by Christina

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22 His Madness

Sterling’s motorcycle was different from the common ones. The space was narrow, and Sterling and

Audrey’s bodies had to be close.

Audrey had never been so close to a boy:

While breathing, she could smell the faint minty scent coming from him.

He raised his hand and threw a black helmet into her arm

“Put it on.” he said gloomily and coldly “Don’t get too close to me

Audrey said sweetly and briskly, “OK” Then she put on the helmet and grabbed the sides of the

motorcycle with both hands.

The helmet was full of his smell, clean, cool, and smelt a bit like tobacco, not awful at all. It was the

scent exclusive to him

Audrey’s ears went reddish uncontrollably

With a roar, he started the engine of the motorcycle and drove out of the narrow allev

Audrey looked at Sterling with a tall b*dy, Jong and smooth back neck, and broad and thin shoulders,

and felt a bit thrilled deep down.

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She thought. “He agrees to give me a ride to school. Does that mean he wants to ease some of the

tension between us?

“Yet I somehow feel that something is wrong

“He doesn’t strike me as someone who makes peace so easily ”


As Audrey was puzzled, he had already driven the motorcycle out of the long lane and onto the flowing


In that instant, he began to speed up.

Audrey leaned forward due to inertia, and she hit his lean back. In the next second, she heard his icy

voice, warning her, “Don’t touch me!”

“I didn’t mean to. Why did you speed up out of the blue…”

Before she could finish speaking, he suddenly drove the motorcycle into another alley. Not far away

was a staircase more than 2 meters high. Seeing that he had no intention of slowing down, she

exclaimed, “It’s the stairs over there. Why are you driving there…”

She screamed as the motorcycle rose into the air and flew down the stairs with a roar.

Audrey was utterly uneasy, and her face behind the helmet went pale.

As the motorcycle landed, her b*dy bounced heavily. Ignoring his warning, she clasped her hands

tightly around his thin waist.

Although she had not been thrown from the motorcycle, she felt badly shaken when it hit the ground,

and her legs hurt.

She thought, “The crazy bastard!

“I was wondering why he was so nice to give me a lift. This is what he has been up to!”

Sterling looked down at her hands on his waist tightly with veins. bulging vaguely and said coldly, “Let


“No! Never!” Audrey’s voice rang out mixed with a sob.

He didn’t say anything anymore, but once again, she felt how mad and



twisted he was.

He drove the motorcycle onto the viaduct. There were many cars in the morning, yet he managed to

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drive forward in the surging traffic.

Audrey thought several times that he would bump into the sedans next to the motorcycle, yet his

motorcycle simply brushed them narrowly.

Everything around Audrey was going backward. As he drove at a dizzying speed, she felt a fine line

between life and death.

The extreme thrill and speed made her feel like she was on a roller


She was so stiff that she felt her limbs no longer belonged to her. Only one sentence echoed in her

mind, “F*** you, Sterling!”

She didn’t know how long had passed. Finally, he stopped 50 meters from the school.

Audrey went limp and rolled and crawled down.

Shen then took off the helmet, smashed it on him hard, ran with trembling legs to under a big tree, and


She hadn’t eaten anything this morning, and all she was vomiting was gastric juice.

Her face was bloodless, her ala nasi was quivering, and her long, thick, black eyelashes were lowered

like the wings of a butterfly, trembling gently with water mist.

