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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chatper 260
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Chapter 260

The bodyguard scooped up Sammy in his arms, causing the boy to freeze momentarily,

realizing they must have mistaken him for someone else. With a sudden burst of energy,

he turned and made a beeline towards his mother.

But before his little legs could carry him far, the bodyguard hoisted him up again, pleading

desperately, “Young master, please, I’m begging you! If you run off again, Boss will have

our heads!”

Boss? Who could that be?

Despite being just a child, Sammy was now truly panicked, attempting to use his

smartwatch to call his mom, but in the struggle, it fell to the ground.

“I’m not the kid you’re looking for. You’ve got the wrong guy! Let me go, I’m gonna call the

cops, help, Mom!”

Ludwik, hearing his son’s cries for help through the walkie–talkie, turned as dark as


The little rascal was becoming increasingly unruly, sneaking out on his own and even

daring to cry for help. Did he not realize he might run into his no–good mother?

Fortunately, he was retrieved in time. Ludwik would not give him the chance to contact

that woman and deal with all the ensuing trouble.

Loosening his tie, Ludwik commanded, “Get him back to the villa, pronto! Into the car! I’ll

be right behind.”

“Yes, yes… Boss!”

Whitney sighed in relief as she drove away from the convention center with ‘Sammy‘

safely in the car.

Suddenly, a Bentley sped past her vehicle. Recognizing it as Ludwik’s, her nerves were on

edge for a moment, but thankfully, the car zoomed by without stopping.

In the car, two breaths–one big, one small–sighed in unison.

Whitney glanced back, puzzled, at her ‘son‘.

‘Sammy‘, watching his family’s luxury car drive away, let out a guilty breath.

Meanwhile, in the speeding Bentley, the real Sammy was frantically trying to escape the

grip of the bodyguard.

He had just seen his mom in the car! What were these people planning to do with him?



Chapter 260

The apartment door swung open.

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Daniel, having been cradled in his mother’s embrace all the way home, felt an unexpected

reluctance to let go.

So this was what it felt like to be held by a mom–no wonder the kids at preschool clung to

their mothers; it was indeed intoxicating.

Coughing to maintain his composure, he hopped down, surveying the modest living space.

His house’s swimming pool was larger than this tiny place. It was so small.

Suddenly, Whitney lifted him by his collar and plopped him onto the couch. With hands on

her hips, she was ready for a lecture. “Sammy, we need to talk about the dangers of flying

alone. You’re only three and a half, and no matter how smart you are, you can’t fly by

yourself. There are lots of bad people out there, and you must never do that again, OK?”

Daniel sat rigidly, his cool brow furrowed. What could he say?

He had never even been on a plane before, and although his family was wealthy, his

overprotective father had never allowed it.

Silently musing, Daniel did not dare respond, fearing he would give himself away.

Whitney raised an eyebrow. Usually, Sammy would quickly admit his mistake and cuddle

up to her.

“Do you understand what you did wrong?”

Daniel had never admitted to being wrong before, but fearing discovery, he mumbled

stiffly, “Alright, I was wrong.”

Whitney’s lips twitched slightly. For a moment, she felt that the tone sounded a bit too

much like Ludwik.

Shaking off the thought, she dismissed the idea that her little Sammy could be anything

like that scoundrel Ludwik.

Whitney stroked her son’s hair. “You must be hungry, Sammy. Let me make you some


Daniel nodded, just about to request his favorites as he would with Ludwik when Whitney

took charge and headed to the kitchen. In no time, she presented a steaming plate of

spaghetti marinara.

Daniel frowned, skeptical of the meal’s potential. Could it possibly taste good?

After a few bites, Daniel was won over. It was delicious.

This must be Mom’s flavor–the spaghetti tender, the sauce rich. It was every bit as good

as Ludwik’s cooking!

Looking up at her, he decided this was love.

But why had she abandoned him for three years only to live with another child?



What had happened between his detestable father and his mother?

He was lost in these thoughts.

Then, the bell rang.

Whitney quietly got up to answer the door.

Bryce’s tall figure appeared outside. “I couldn’t reach you at the convention center and

guessed you’d taken Sammy home. Is everything alright?”

Whitney knew what he was really asking: had Sammy been discovered by Ludwik?

She shook her head.

Bryce patted her shoulder, entered with a smile, and called out, “Sammy!”

Danny stiffened. Why had someone else come in?

A man, no less. Perhaps sensing his stature and gentle demeanor, which even seemed to

complement his mother’s presence, Daniel disliked him instantly.

With a haughty glance and lowered head, the little guy continued eating.

Bryce, feeling a bit wronged, asked Whitney, “What’s up with Sammy?”

The woman sighed and pulled him aside, “Bryce, I’ve told you about Sammy’s occasional

personality swaps.”

“You mean he’s having an episode now?”


The two adults stood there, silently observing ‘Sammy‘.

After a moment, Whitney hesitated. “This episode is strange. It’s one thing not to

recognize me, but his behavior and habits are different, too. He used to be lively and

energetic, never this restrained at mealtime. He’s acting like a little lord raised in a


Bryce narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “The kid’s current odd behavior does have a hint of

Ludwik about it. Not very endearing…”

Daniel, with ears sharp as a hare’s, inwardly retorted that Bryce was the not–very–



Ludwik might be disliked, but he was charming!

Had he revealed himself? Was Sammy energetic?

Worried, Daniel slumped in his chair, swung his legs, and accidentally dropped his fork on

the floor!

Hearing the noise and seeing her son’s unusual behavior, Whitney rushed over, feeling his

forehead. “Sammy, why are you shaking? Did the flight scare you?”



Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Chapter 260

Bryce’s gaze deepened, feeling this Sammy was very unfamiliar indeed.

After a bath, the little guy emerged from the bathroom, dressed in pajamas and ready for

bed, but with the same air of unfamiliarity lingering around him.

Whitney was busy making the bed in the master bedroom when she came over with a

smile and enveloped him in a warm hug. “Where’s your inhaler, hon? Pop it on the

nightstand, and then let’s hit the hay!”

What? Sammy had asthma?

How was he going to handle this? He did not have any medicine. Daniel’s head dipped as

he fibbed, “Mommy, I kinda lost it on the plane.”

Sammy’s asthma was always a sore point for Whitney, not a frequent issue but one that

needed to be prepared for.

She patted his head gently. “Well, you hop into bed, and I’ll order some delivery.”

Daniel looked at the bed, his little legs shuffling slowly towards it, the soft, fragrant scent

of his mother washing over him. He had never slept with his mother before.

It had always been his dad who took care of him.

But as time went on, Stinky Dad was strict, and Elaine was so sly, always finding ways to

make him sleep alone in the kids‘ room.

He had been horrified there and seen things that chilled him to the bone, but when he told

his dad, he never believed him.

Thinking of this, the stoic yet vulnerable Daniel’s eyes reddened, his little hand brushing

the comforter, his gaze suddenly brightening.

Sorry, Sammy, but I’m commandeering Mom’s bed tonight.

He climbed in cautiously.

After ordering the medication, Whitney turned around to see the little guy buried in the

blankets. only his solemn little face peeking out, a mix of apprehension and hope in his


“What’s wrong, don’t recognize Mommy?” Whitney’s heart melted as she lay down next to

him. hugging him and softly singing a lullaby while patting his back.

She felt him stiffen, then gradually relaxed, quietly snuggling closer into her neck.

Daniel felt cocooned in his mother’s tenderness, a dizzying, joyous, and utterly content

feeling enveloping him.

But still, there was a thorn in his heart, a nagging question.

He longed to ask why she didn’t want him, why only the other baby mattered.

But he could not.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!